Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Vision for a New Dream


A Vision for a New Dream

May we live in a world where the economies of the world support the well-being of all, honor individual effort and initiative, reward generosity and cooperation, blessing those who support creativity, non-destructive technologies, and those who give back to the earth. May we all share the wealth.

May this be a world where the rights of all species, plant and animal, their well-being and life are honored, where we live cooperatively and respectfully with the earth, with all of nature, and we ask permission before we take, always giving thanks for our largesse and good fortune.

May this be a world where all people respect the rights of women to choose their path in life, to control their fertility, to experience wellbeing, to respect their freedom to follow the highest paths of creativity and leadership. May all women be honored as the expressions of the feminine face of God. May they no longer be oppressed out of fear of their power.

May all men be honored for their productivity, for their mentoring, for their strength of character, for their protective natures, for their clarity, their ability to open their hearts for the well being of others. May all men be honored as the expression of the masculine face of God and may they no longer be made wrong for every little thing they do.

May the children be cared for, listened to, and taught values of love, gratitude, and wonderment. May they be guided and supported to follow their path of heart, to know their life tasks, their strengths, and understand their goals. May they receive the proper initiations on their paths to adulthood. May they be shown love.

May the pursuit of the creation of beauty be one of the highest values. May we restore the beauty of the earth where it has been damaged and cultivate the earth as a garden.

May younger souls be cared for, mentored, and taught the values of older souls. May they no longer be allowed to run wild without proper guidance and supervision. May they be cultivated as productive, cooperative, and helpful members of society.

May younger souls behaving violently, antisocially, or fearfully be temporarily removed from society, protected, and provided for.

May all food and water be considered gifts from spirit and treated accordingly.

May all people have full access to healing modalities according to their natures. May the true nature of healing be taught and understood by all.

May we as a species, live within our means, live cooperatively, and maintain our population in accordance with the limits of the environment.

May we live in a world where everyone honors spirit, where religions never convert but grow by simple attraction, and are never aligned with government or control systems. May there be no hint of control tolerated in any religion. May this be a world where people are free to practice expressions of the sacred freely and without fear of any reprisal.

May everyone understand that they must make some sort of contribution no matter how modest or restricted.

Let the haves support the have-nots to have. Let the haves never believe they have because they are somehow more privileged or more deserving. May the have not̢۪s take responsibility for having.

Let no man or woman believe they are a victim of anyone or anything. Let each person know they are responsible for the experience they are creating. Let blame end, complaining end, resentment end.

Let no one go through life with a lack of meaning, a lack of purpose. May each person be supported to know their purpose.

Let no one crave more than they can productively use. Let all know they have as much as they need.

Let all know they have the time to do everything they had planned.

May forgiveness carry the day. May all guilt and shame be banished.

May all realize their value as children of Spirit. May no person believe they are less than others.

May all understand the importance of letting go, of giving up "micro managing" their lives. May all realize the value of serendipity, spontaneity, and flexibility.

May all be encouraged to express themselves creatively no matter how simply.

Well, I could go on and on, but hopefully you get the idea.