Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Chicago Hot Dog

Click on the image to view it full size.

To make Chicago Dogs at home I first microwave a couple of all beef hot dogs in Glad Ware for about 20 seconds. Just to get them warm. Next put them in a bun add the works. I can't get poppy seed buns in Florida so I just sprinkle on poppy seeds on top. Back into the microwave in sealed Glad Ware for another 10 seconds.
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Monday, June 21, 2010

How to Sleep when Someone Is Snoring

How to Sleep when Someone Is Snoring

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

What do you do if you find yourself sharing a bed (or a room) with someone who snores? A study showed that partners of millions of snorers are kept awake for two hours each night, which equates to two years' lost sleep over the course of an average marriage![1] If you have to deal with someone's snoring every night, encourage them to take steps to stop. In the meantime, here are some quick fixes.


  1. Roll the person onto his or her side. People tend to snore less in this position. If possible, make it so that they're at the edge of the bed, facing away from you. (Most people "know" they're at the edge of the bed when they're sleeping and won't fall off.) Put some pillows snugly against their back so that they don't roll back onto their back. Some people even tape or sew a tennis ball or something similar to the back of their partner's shirt, so the person is uncomfortable sleeping on their back, and will go back onto their side without you having to wake up and push them.
  2. Muffle the sound with earplugs. If it's too late to buy a pair at the store, you can make temporary earplugs, but make sure that they're big enough to not get stuck inside your ear canal, and leave a tail so you can pull them out easily. Use a dense material that won't shred when you tug on it. Cotton is a bad idea because it can tear easily, and it doesn't muffle much noise anyway. The filters from cigarettes can make good impromptu ear plugs because they're made of a tight foam material. A small, tightly rolled piece of fabric will also work. If it's late and you're tight on options, cut up an old sock or t-shirt, and roll up little pieces.
  3. Listen to music with headphones. If you're used to falling asleep to silence, this will be difficult at first, but if you listen to certain music only when it's time to sleep, your body will eventually adapt to the noise and even associate that music with sleepiness. The headphones and earbuds can also double as earplugs, without music.
  4. If there is a fan around, put it next to the bed and turn it on. Many people find that the noise made by a fan is effective in drowning out snoring. If you don't have a fan, turning on a computer monitor can have the same effect.
  5. Use a nonprescription antihistamine to help you sleep. Do this only as a last resort, as your body quickly develops a tolerance. Read the labels. The main ingredient you're looking for is diphenhydramine. Pain relievers or cold and flu products marketed as nighttime formulas often include analgesics (acetaminophen, ibuprofen), decongestants (like pseudoephedrine), cough suppressants (like dextromethorphan), and sometimes alcohol. Stay away from those unneeded ingredients if you can.[2]


  • Never place anything over the snorer's mouth or head to prevent the sound from keeping you up. Suffocation could occur.

Related wikiHows

Sources and Citations

  1. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/lifestyle/snoring-costs-two-years-sleep/story-e6frf00i-1111113126204
  2. http://www.health.com/health/condition-article/0,,20188926,00.html

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Sleep when Someone Is Snoring. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

23 Things Not To Write In An E-mail

Every e-mail you write could wind up in court. Everybody knows this, but people still act like it will never happen to them.
If you can't help yourself -- if you just have to write that incriminating e-mail -- you can at least avoid a few obvious red flags.:
  • stupid
  • huge mistake
  • big mistake
  • dumb
  • can't believe
  • cannot believe
  • serious trouble
  • big trouble
  • unsalvageable
  • shocked
  • speechless
  • too late
  • uncomfortable
  • not comfortable
  • I don't think we should
  • very sensitive
  • highly sensitive
  • very confidential
  • highly confidential
  • do not share this
  • don't share this
  • between you and me
  • just between us

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Do you get this one?

cdb = See the bee
imaumbn = I am a human being

What does this mean?: I 1 2 1/2 6

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Big doses of red wine could promote long life

WASHINGTON - Huge amounts of a red wine extract seemed to help obese mice eat a high-fat diet and still live a long and healthy life, suggests a new study that some experts are calling “landmark” research.
The big question is, can it work the same magic in humans?
Scientists say it’s far too early to start swilling barrels of red wine. But some are calling the latest research promising and even “spectacular.”
The study by the Harvard Medical School and the National Institute of Aging shows that heavy doses of red wine extract lowers the rate of diabetes, liver problems and other fat-related ill effects in obese mice.
Fat-related deaths dropped 31 percent for obese mice on the supplement, compared to untreated obese mice, and the treated mice also lived long after they should have, the study said.
Astoundingly, the organs of the fat mice that got the wine extract looked normal when they shouldn’t have, said study lead author Dr. David Sinclair of Harvard Medical School. And Sinclair said other preliminary work still being done in the lab shows the wine ingredient has promise in lengthening the life span of normal-sized mice, too.
Sinclair has a financial stake in the research. He is co-founder of a pharmaceutical firm, Sirtris Pharmaceuticals Inc. of Cambridge, Mass., which is testing the safety of using the extract on humans for treatment of diabetes.
For years, red wine has been linked to numerous health benefits. But the new study, published online in the journal Nature on Thursday, shows that mammals given ultrahigh doses of the red wine extract resveratrol can get the good effects of cutting calories without having the pain of actually doing it.
“If we’re right about this, it would mean you could have the benefit of restricting calories without having to feel hungry,” Sinclair said. “It’s the Holy Grail of aging research.”
Resveratrol, produced when plants are under stress, are found in the skin of grapes and in other plants, including peanuts and some berries.
The resveratrol-treated 55 obese mice on a high-calorie diet (one scientist called it a “McDonald’s diet”) are not only about as healthy as normal mice, they are as agile and active on exercise equipment as their lean cousins, showing what can be considered a normal quality of life, higher than usual for obese mice, said study co-author Rafael de Cabo of the National Institute on Aging.
“These fat old mice can perform as well on this skill test as young lean mice,” Sinclair said.
The only major body measurement that didn’t improve — aside from weight — was cholesterol and that didn’t seem to matter in the overall health of the mice, Sinclair said.
The study is so promising that the aging institute this week is strongly considering a repeat of the same experiment with rhesus monkeys, coming the closest to humans, after successful resveratrol experiments on yeast, worms, fruit flies and now mice, said institute director Dr. Richard Hodes.
Hodes cautions that it’s too early for people to start taking non-regulated resveratrol supplements because safety issues haven’t been addressed adequately. He pointed to past hyped medical treatments, such as estrogen, that turned out to cause more harm than good.
Sirtris Pharmaceuticals is working on a high-dose resveratrol pill that unlike unregulated supplements on the market now, would be used as a drug and require Food and Drug Administration approval, said company chief executive officer Dr. Christoph Westphal. And that development and federal approval is about five years away, he said.
Sinclair’s results are so promising that he rushed the study into the science journal while the obese mice are still alive, not waiting several more weeks or months until they die. That raises some issues, including specific figures about mortality, but is understandable, said outside experts. The obese mice still lived past the median age for mice of their weight.
Even would-be competitors are praising the study.
“It’s a fairly spectacular result,” said University of Wisconsin medical professor Dr. Richard Weindruch, who co-founded another biotech company that looks at the genetics of aging and drugs that could expand life spans. “People will go to McDonald’s and afterwards they’ll do super-sized resveratrol.”
“This is fantastic,” said Brown University molecular biology professor Stephen Helfand, who was the first reviewer for the journal Nature and not part of the team. “This is a historic landmark contribution.”

Alcohol in moderation may extend life span, researchers find

Moderate drinking may lengthen your life, while too much may shorten it, researchers from Italy report. Their conclusion is based on pooled data from 34 large studies involving more than 1 million people and 94,000 deaths.

According to the data, drinking a moderate amount of alcohol — up to four drinks per day in men and two drinks per day in women — reduces the risk of death from any cause by roughly 18 percent, the team reports in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

However, “things radically change” when consumption goes beyond these levels, study leader Dr. Augusto Di Castelnuovo, from Catholic University of Campobasso, said in a statement.

Men who have more than four drinks per day and women who have more than two drinks per day not only lose the protection that alcohol affords, but they increase their risk of death, the data indicate.

The reason why men are protected at up to four drinks per day, while women lose the protection after two glasses has to do with how men and women metabolize alcohol, researchers say. It’s been shown that when men and women who drink the same amount of alcohol, women experience higher blood alcohol levels than men.

Therefore, women who consume more than two glasses of alcohol per day may be at increased risk for diseases of the liver and certain types of cancer.

“Our findings, while confirming the hazards of excess drinking, indicate potential windows of alcohol intake that may confer a net beneficial effect of moderate drinking, at least in terms of survival,” the Italian team concludes.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My family has been in the plumbing business since 1906

Famous Plumbing Quotes

  1. “I told my wife the truth. I told her I was seeing a psychiatrist. Then she told me the truth: that she was seeing a psychiatrist, two plumbers, and a bartender.”
    - Rodney Dangerfield
  2. “If I had my life to live over again, I’d be a plumber.”
    - Albert Einstein
  3. “Let’s say I was a plumber, or I worked at a factory, I would download music, you feel what I’m saying?”
    - Obie Trice
  4. “Television is like the invention of indoor plumbing. It didn’t change people’s habits. It just kept them inside the house.”
    - Alfred Hitchcock
  5. “Had I been more responsible I might have made something of myself as a junk bond trader, long-haul trucker or perhaps a plumbing contractor.”
    - Brock Yates
  6. “Not only is there no God, but try finding a plumber on Sunday.”
    - Woody Allen
  7. “If I waited for inspiration every time I sat down to write a song I probably would be a plumber today.”
    - Barry Mann
  8. “A plumber is an adventurer who traces leaky pipes to their source.”
    - Arthur Baer
  9. “Every actor is somewhat mad, or else he’d be a plumber or a bookkeeper or a salesman.”
    - Bela Lugosi
  10. “Anybody who has any doubt about the ingenuity or the resourcefulness of a plumber never got a bill from one.”
    - George Meany
  11. “Modern cynics and skeptics… see no harm in paying those to whom they entrust the minds of their children a smaller wage than is paid to those to whom they entrust the care of their plumbing.” - John F. Kennedy
  12. “The process of competitively selecting contractors to perform work is based on a system of rewards and penalties, all distributed randomly.”
    - Norman R. Augustine

Al Gore Pick Up Lines From Twitter

 Check Twitter - #Goreonadate
  • "Baby, if you want to see how big my hanging chad is, let's go to my place & do a recount."
  • I want to get into your lockbox!
  • The key to your lockbox is in my pants.
  • Did you know I invented the internet?
  • I invented sex, too.
  • Sex is a series of tubes
  • When a "night out" consists of watching "An Inconvenient Truth" for the 537th time, it is time to separate.
  • What really Tips your gears?
  • Just checking your emissions.
  • "Do you know how much that dress is contributing to global warming? Cuz you're makin me hot!"
  • You can put your carbon footprints right here, Baby.